quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

Pronunciation hints

Leia as sentenças a seguir, que foram elaboradas com o objetivo de desenvolver sua pronúncia.

1. The man worked and watched TV.
2. She washed the dishes and then she cooked dinner.
3. We studied and played soccer.
4. They decided they needed to buy a new car.
5. We enjoyed the party because we danced and watched good video clips.
6. The teacher asked a lot of questions and she answered all of them.
7. It rained a lot so she stayed home, watced TV and listened to her Cds.
8. She traveled to Europe and visited a lot of nice places.
9. I visited my mother and she decided to have lunch with me.
10. The boys talked while they walked.


Em duplas, monte um jogo da memória com verbos em português e em inglês.
Quando um par for formado, leia o verbo nas sua três formas.

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