segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

9th grade - reading comprehension

Leia o texto a seguir e trabalhe com a sua compreensão em inglês.

"The power of communication"

Communication has a very strong power over people. Consider, for example, the role TV plays on your daily life. Why do you watch TV? Is it only to get informed or also because you want to have fun?
Media has special ways of convincing people to do what is good for the market. Therefore we can say that the actions and strategies developed by marketing professionals have the specific aim of making people follow the marketing which is behind all kinds of advertisement.
In terms of our personal power communication, the situation is very similar. That means that if we know ourselves very well we can be aware of how we should say, do and relate things in order to have a good and effective communication.

Responda em inglês:

1. According to the text, who manipulates the information we receive daily?

2. Do you agree with this opinion? Why?

3. Have you ever bought a product you didn´t need, just because of marketing strategies? What was it?

4. Are you able to recognize when TV programs and ads are manipulating you?

5. How do you feel when you notice people trying to manipulate you in daily life?

6. Do you feel yourself manipulate people?

7. What is the title of this text?

8. Why do you think the word "power" is in the title?

9. Do you have another title for this text?

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