quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011

The Superhero Project

The Super Hero Project target language: can, have, introductions, 3rd person singular

The Supers are back! This project allows students the chance to guess at the powers of certain superheroes, report on a superhero from their country and then create a superhero of their choice. They will describe the superhero (his or her powers and characteristics,) where they live, what they like, don't like, weaknesses, secret identities, etc.

The target language for this activity is:

can - for ability

have - for description

language for introduction

3rd person singular

advanced - comparative, superlative and past tense narratives

Time: The project can be done quickly in a single lesson or spread out as small parts over 3 or 4 lessons. It also depends on how far you wish to go with the project. I choose to spread it out and give students time to process the information and make changes.

The Project Downloads: the Supers Project file the word .doc for reporting back heroic information

If you need them I have superpower flash cards and a handout

pictures and info taken with permission from HeroicImages.net

Projects Completed and Submitted:

JHS students Japan 13 yrs. old

JHS students Argentina 14 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Japan 10 yrs. old

Elementary Ss S. Korea 10 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Ohio, USA 5-8 yrs. old

Elementary Ss France 11 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Japan 8-12 yrs.

JHS students S. Korea 14 yrs. old

Elemantary Ss Canada 11-12 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Italy 10-11 yrs. old

JHS students Malaysia

Elementary Ss Spain 11 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Portugal 10-11 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Canada 10-12 yrs. old

Elementary Ss France 12 yrs. old

JHS students S. Korea 13-15 yrs. old

JHS Student Turkey 13 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Denmark 10-11 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Italy 10-11 yrs. old

JHS Student Germany 13 yrs. old

Elementary SS Germany 10-12 yrs. old

JHS Students S. Korea 13-15 yrs. old

Elementary Ss S. Korea 11-12 yrs. old

High School Ss Tunisia 15-18 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Italy 8-10 yrs. old

Elementary Ss Poland 9-12 yrs. old

Elementary S Thailand 11 yrs. old

Adult Ss USA 20+ yrs. old

Elementary Ss USA 9 yrs. old

Elementary SS Germany 8-12 yrs. old

Elementary SS Spain 13 yrs. old

Elementary S Spain 12 yrs. old

JHS Students Indonesia

send in your students' projects :)

put your students' projects here!

Here is the activity as described in the project file:

Materials to prepare:

- 4 large pictures of Spiderman, Superman, the Flash, and the Green Lantern from this file

- one printout of the 6 character comparison sheet for each group from this file

- enough of the "choose your superhero sheets" as required from this file

- final draft sheet for each group from this file


- Show the 4 large pictures as introduction. Start with Superman and Spiderman as the students are likely to know about them.

- Ask questions as to who they are and what they can do. Talk about their characteristics.

- Show the pictures of the Green Lantern and the Flash. Ask the same questions but dig for some speculation. Offer some possible suggestions of super powers.

- Use the flash cards from MES-English to describe various superpowers if necessary

- Ask about the students favorite superheroes or superheroes from their country and what they can do

- Give out the 6 character comparison sheet to each group, ask them to choose 2 superheroes, guess what their super powers might be, and write them in. Have the groups present their ideas to the class.

(For more advanced students have them compare the 2 they chose.)

- Tell them the true information for each character. See heroic information

- Write-up a sheet as a class or in groups about a famous superhero or several superheroes from your country. This is the most interesting to others and the most important to the project.

- Give out the "choose your superhero sheets" as needed and have the students choose one of the characters and decide upon the name, decide upon the superpowers, choose whether their superhero is a good guy or bad guy, and describe the characteristics of their superhero.

- Have the students write up their reports on the sheet provided pasting their superhero's picture in the square provided. Once finished they can present their superhero to the class. Display their write-ups in the classroom.

(For more advanced students have them compare the 2 they originally chose with their superhero.)

Follow ups:

- describe the last battle or episode of their superhero and create a story.

- try to find out the true information for their character and write up a report. You can also have them write up a report comparing their fantasy character with the original. The characters came from the Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans cartoons. Here is web site where you can get plenty of information HeroicImages.net


- Use the word doc. file to write up their reports and send them into MES-English.com v_keypals@ mes-english.com for everyone to use and share. If you can attach pictures of the students that would be great as well. I will post completed projects from around the world on the web site but first names only.

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