terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

Present continuous for plans

Present Continuous for Plans

We often use the present continuous tense to talk about the future. Of course, we normally use the present continuous to talk about action happening in the present, but if we add a future word, we can use it to talk about the future. (By "future word" we mean words or expressions like tomorrow, next week, in June. The future word may be clearly expressed or understood from the context.)

Sometimes there is no real difference between an intention (going to) and a plan (present continuous). In this case, it doen't matter which we use.

  • We're going to paint the bedroom tomorrow.
  • We're painting the bedroom tomorrow.

We use the present continuous only when a plan exists before we speak. Look at these examples:

  • Mary is taking her music exam next year.
  • They can't play tennis with you tomorrow. They 're working.
  • We're going to the theatre on Friday.

Present Progressive for future plans

Hoje vamos tratar de um uso bem peculiar do Present Continuous: quando ele é usado para expressar o futuro. Quando você tem planos de fazer algo há a possibilidade de usar o Present Continuous para expressar o futuro. Veja alguns exemplos:

- Nancy is going to the dentist on Friday. (Nancy vai ao dentista sexta-feira.)

- My dad is taking us to the stadium next Saturday. (Meu pai vai nos levar ao estádio sábado que vem.)

- We´re having a party next weekend. (Vamos fazer uma festa no próximo fim de semana.)

- Are you meeting Bill at the movies tonight? (Você vai encontrar o Bill no cinema hoje à noite?)

- What are you doing after class? (O que você vai fazer depois da aula?)

Quando o Present Continuous é usado para indicar algo acontecendo agora, ele vem acompanhado por expressões de tempo como NOW, RIGHT NOW, AT THE MOMENT, CURRENTLY, etc. O contexto também ajuda a ver o uso. Veja alguns exemplos:

- What´s your sister doing? – I don´t know, I guess she´s finishing her homework. (O que sua irmã está fazendo? – Não sei, acho que está terminando sua tarefa.)

- I can´t go out right now, I´m helping my mom with the housework. (Não posso sair agora, estou ajudando minha mãe com o serviço de casa.)

- Mr. Smith usually teaches us English literature, but currently he´s teaching us grammar because our English lit teacher is away on vacation. (O Sr. Smith geralmente nos ensina literatura inglesa, mas atualmente ele está nos ensinando gramática pois nosso professor de literatura inglesa está de férias.)

Well, this is it for today!

Take care!

Present Progressive

Present Progressive - Form

Exercise on affirmative sentences

Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

  1. I / to read a book -
  2. it / to rain -
  3. he / to repair his bike -
  4. they / to watch a film -
  5. the cat /to sleep on the chair -
  6. Jane and Emily / to do their homework -
  7. Bill / to wait at the bus stop -
  8. we / to listen to the radio -
  9. the children / to play a game -
  10. Laura / to walk the dog -

Hurrricane Irene

Steve Jessmore/The Sun News , via Associated Press

Chris Jaeger, a landscaping manager, prepared for the hurricane by filling his truck and 10 five-gallon gas containers in Garden City, S.C., on Tuesday.

“We are out of the cone at the moment, though we have seen it wobble in the past,” said Peter Elwell, the town manager in Palm Beach, Fla., referring to the constantly evolving cone on forecast maps that designates a hurricane’s probable path. “The cone moving away from us is a mixed bag: you know the bullet you are dodging is going to hit somebody else.”

The mouth of the dangerous storm’s cone took dead aim on Tuesday at North Carolina, where officials scrambled to get ready. But federal and state authorities warned residents in other places not to be complacent; they said the hurricane would probably affect nearly every state along the East Coast.

Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center here said they were becoming increasingly confident that Hurricane Irene, a Category 1 storm on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale late Tuesday with sustained winds of 90 miles per hour, would gradually increase in strength over the warm Gulf Stream waters. The Bahamas will bear the brunt of the storm over the next several days before it is expected to veer on a more northward path toward the Carolinas, forecasters said.

The huge hurricane would most likely make landfall in North Carolina by the weekend, they said.

“There is still a lot of uncertainty,” said Jorge Aguirre, a 17-year veteran meteorologist at the National Hurricane Center. “These things are often unpredictable. I would not say Florida is completely off the hook just yet. It’s going to be a very close call.”

Hurricane Irene, the first major storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, could threaten “the entire East Coast,” W. Craig Fugate, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said Tuesday in a conference call with reporters.

The storm was nudged away from its 10-m.p.h. path toward Florida by weakness in a high pressure system parked over the southeastern United States, forecasters said. If that system changes, the hurricane could still graze Florida’s coastline, they said.

The last significant hurricane to strike Florida was the ferocious and highly destructive Wilma, in 2005.

Up and down the Eastern Seaboard on Tuesday, mayors, police chiefs and emergency preparedness personnel took no chances because the path of the hurricane could suddenly change. They made plans for the worst while hoping for the best.

“This is a dance we’ve done many times,” said Roy Rutland, a spokesman for the Miami-Dade Police Department. “If there is a police department prepared for hurricanes, it’s Miami-Dade. Even if this is just a tropical storm in our area, we have contingency plans in place to deal with it.”

No hurricane has made landfall in the United States since Hurricane Ike barreled into Texas in 2008. On the social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, there was great interest in tracking Hurricane Irene’s every gyration, at least until an odd 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck Mineral, Va., at 1:49 p.m. Tuesday, and was felt as far away as Toronto and Georgia.

Several officials said they were concerned about an unusual “double-whammy” hitting the Middle Atlantic States: an earthquake followed by a hurricane.

“Two in one week? Unlucky,” said Joseph P. Riley Jr., the mayor of Charleston, S.C., for 35 years. “If we have a Category 3 storm moving in our direction, it’s smart to take every precaution, even if the cone says it may not. We don’t look at it begrudgingly or as another headache. We see it as an opportunity. We know our citizens might need our help, and we want to do the best job possible.”

The National Hurricane Center’s tracking cone is based on a 250-mile range of error in forecasts of the direction of hurricanes over the last five years.

“There is something psychological about the cone,” said Bryan Koon, the director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. “Once people are out of the cone, they tend to back off on their preparations. But it’s always better to be prepared.”

Timothy Williams contributed reporting from New York.

Present Progressive for future plans


-Hi, why are you packing?
-We´re camping out.
-Really? Where?
-We´re going to Yosemite.
-Who´s going with you?
-Laura and her friends from college.
-When are you leaving?
-Tomorrow morning and we´re getting there in the afternoon.
-How are you gettin to the park?
-We´re going by bus.
-That sounds terrific! I really need some rest.
-Rest? But we´re not resting. We´re fishing, hiking, swimming in the waterfalls, practicing sports and hunting.
-Oh! No rest! No way! I prefer to stay home.

Now answer the questions:

1. What are the guys doing tomorrow?

2. Where are they going?

3. Who´s going to the park?

4. When are they leaving?

5. When are they getting to the park?

6. How are they going to get to Yosemitew

7.What activities are they doing at Yosemite?

8. And you? What are you doing tomorrow?

Cosme Fernandes - São Vicente



-Hello! I´m Cosme Fernandes. I arrived here in 1503. I´m the first inhabitant of São Vicente.
-This is my friend João Ramalho. He arrived in 1508.
-This is the castle. It is the first building in Brazil. It was a prison, a fort and the residence of important people.
-In 1532, Martin Afonso arrived and founded São Vicente. João Ramalho and I helped him.
-São Vicente was a little village. The first inhabitants were Indians and sailors.
-Modern Brazilian civilization starte here! São Vicente is the first Brazilian village.

São Vicente


Great! Level 1, da Editora Macmillan, Ensino Fundamental II

Two students are looking at a map. Read the text and find this information:

a.) The names of the three cities.
b.) The names of:
a state a capital a harbor an island a bridge

Marta: Look: São Vicente, the first Brazilian village...
Joe: Wow!.... São Vicente? Where is it?
Marta: It´s here, on the coast of São Paulo state, one hour from São Paulo city.
Joe: What? I don´t understand! Is São Paulo a state or a city?
Marta: There is São Paulo the state and there is São Paulo the city! Look at this map.
Joe: Oh, I see. São Paulo city is the capital of São Paulo state.
Marta: Yes. And here is São Vicente, on this island.
Joe: Ah... São Vicente island! But there are two cities on it!
Marta: Right! São Vicente and Santos. Santos is a famous city. There is an important harbor there.
Joe: And what about São Vicente?
Marta: Well, São Vicente isn´t a big place, but there are some modern facilities there. For example, public schools, different churches, many new hotels, fantastic clubs, good movie theaters. And there is a special bridge, Ponte Pênsil, that links the island to th mainland...

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Chunks of language

Esta atividade foi aplicada pela professora Inessa da escola "República de Portugal"

A atividade do Chunks of language (9o.ano) foi tirada do seguinte site: http://denilsodelima.blogspot.com/2010/09/texto-em-ingles-para-iniciantes-2.html

Em termos de vocabulário [chunks of language] é possível que as que seguem abaixo ajudem você a entender melhor o texto. Anote-as em uma folha de papel, leia-as com calma, acostume-se com o modo como são escritas juntas. Não se pergunte sobre regras gramaticais ou mesmo o significado isolado de uma palavra; simplesmente aprenda essas combinações da forma como estão abaixo.

· very traditional wedding [casamento bem tradicional], extremely expensive [extremamente caro, muito caro], it was worth it [valeu a pena], only paid half [só pagamos a metade], paid for everything [pagou por todo o resto], got married [nos casamos], wore a white dress [usou um vestido branco], wore a suit [usei um terno], I looked quite good [eu estava muito bem - devido à roupa que usava], had a big reception [fizemos uma grande recepção], took lots of pictures [tiramos um monte de fotos], it was just great [foi simplesmente fantástico]

Agora que você praticou esses chunks, leia o texto a seguir e encontre [grife, circule, etc] os chunks vistos acima. O objetivo é apenas o de encontrar os chunks. Não se preocupe com uma palavra ou uma regra gramatical que possa passar pela sua cabeça. Apenas encontre os chunks que você viu na lista acima. Depois que encontrá-los leia o texto interpretando-o a partir dos chunks.

· We had a very traditional wedding and it was extremely expensive, but it was worth it. Carol and I only paid half. Her parents paid for everything else. We got married in church. Carol wore a white dress and she looked fantastic. I wore a suit and I think I looked quite good too! We had a big reception. We had 200 guests. The reception was in a wonderful hotel. We took lots of pictures. It was just great!

Complete o texto abaixo com as palavras que estão faltando:

· We had a very ...................... wedding and it was ...................... expensive, but it was worth it. Carol and I only ...................... half. Her parents paid ...................... everything else. We ...................... married in church. Carol wore a white ...................... and she looked fantastic. I ...................... a suit and I think I looked ...................... good too! We had a big ....................... We had 200 guests. The reception was in a wonderful hotel. We ...................... lots of pictures. It was ...................... great!

Verta as sentenças abaixo para o inglês:

1. Minha esposa e eu tivemos um casamento bem tradicional.

2. Esta camisa está muito cara.

3. Valeu a pena!

4. Eu só paguei a metade.

5. Meu irmão pagou por todo o resto.

6. Nós nos casamos ano passado.

7. Ela usou um vestido branco.

8. Eu usei um terno.

9. Nós tiramos um monte de fotos.